The state of healthcare interoperability. Podcast with eHealth Collaborative CEO Micky Tripathi

[audio mp3=""][/audio]Massachusetts eHealth Collaborative CEO Micky Tripathi has been leading the charge on electronic health records and interoperability for more than 15 years, pre-dating HITECH, meaningful use and the Affordable Care Act. In this podcast, we caught up on the state of play, including :

  • (0:13) How e-health looks today compared with what was envisioned originally
  • (3:01) How interoperability has evolved
  • (11:23) What's wrong with TEFCA and why he calls it a "regulatory" wet blanket
  • (25:12) The Argonaut Project

As usual, Micky is informative and unafraid to take a stand.

By healthcare business consultant David E. Williams, president of Health Business Group.


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Optum buys the former Fallon Clinic. I'm quoted in the Worcester Telegram