War on smoking jumps on time machine
War on smoking jumps on time machineFrom ITV:
Smoking scenes in vintage cartoon episodes of Tom and Jerry, The Flintstones and Scooby-Doo are being reworked after a viewer complained they were not suitable for children.
Editors are going back through the 'toons to knock out smoking references after a complaint to a UK regulator. But as the Wall Street Journal points out, there's no problem with
[S]cenes of [the] cat-and-mouse protagonists being carved up by meat cleavers, bludgeoned by hammers, rolled over by lawnmowers and mauled by dogs...
Lighten up!Incidentally, I was in a "penny candy" store the other day and noticed that candy cigarettes are still available, but don't have the word "cigarettes" on the box anymore.